Scott Roofing Company – Celebrating 42 Years in the Roofing Business!
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Licensed. Bonded. Insured.

Built‑Up Roofing Systems

“Standing the test of time for over 100 years”

Built‑Up Roofing (BUR) is one of the oldest low‑slope roof systems still used on both residential and commercial roofs today. BUR’s century‑old track record is unsurpassed in the roofing industry and continues to afford dependable service to homeowners and building owners alike.

Scott Roofing Company is one of the few roofing companies in the Phoenix market that still installs BUR roofing. In fact, we may be the only roofing contractor who applies BUR systems on our residential roofs! This time‑tested roof system continues to be a benchmark in Scott Roofing Company’s arsenal of roofing systems.

Benefits of Built‑Up Roofing

  • Provides excellent resistance against foot traffic on roof and common rooftop abuse when needed.
  • Versatile application options ‑ Different surfacing choices allow better solutions for even the most challenging situations.
  • Affordable alternative when needed to more “high tech” systems.
  • Extremely durable, especially when the rooftop is being used to accommodate extensive mechanical equipment.

Read more on Polyurethane Foam Vs. Built‑Up Hot Asphalt Roofs

How It’s Made

BUR systems are made of asphalt and fiberglass felts. These are assembled on the rooftop. The asphalt is heated to its equiviscous temperature (450 ‑ 550°F), which is pumped to the roof where the felts are installed in a “layering” pattern.

Asphalt is the adhesive and waterproofing element of a built‑up roof system. We are essentially “building” a roof. After the felts have been installed there are several different ways of “surfacing” to complete the system. Granular surfaced cap sheet, gravel aggregates, or reflective coatings are used to protect the membranes and also help protect the roof from UV deterioration.

Want to get started? Schedule your free estimate and we’ll come on out, or you can call us right now at 602-442-ROOF (7663).

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